Worlds traveled Ravenloft Currently In Yet Traveled ? ? ?
Hello and welcome to the Rolemaster Grand Campaign Page! This page was created mainly for the players of my game to keep track of what is going on within it. Here you will find the most current news on the game itself, Links to info on past worlds traveled, the current world they will be on, and various documents for the game ranging from Group agreed on House Rules to custom Character sheets in Excel format. Also a Player Character page where each of the PC's will have their own page that shows all there is to know about them. Thanks to my group for the inspiration, if not downright necessity of creating this page. I hope you guys will continue to enjoy my game enough to continue playing in it.
Any questions about the game you can always reach me
This many days until the next game session... ??? days, ?? hours, ?? min, ?? sec
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Since September 26, 2007
Copyright © 2003-2009 by Mark Martinez. All rights reserved.