Personal Information
Name: Rensoverthierlos (Renzo) Player: Matt
Race: High elf Gender: Male Height: 5'4" Age: 124
Class: Fighter Level: 17 Weight: 114 lbs
XP: 2,438,081 Alignment: Neutral Good
Next Level: 2,500,000 Kit: Myrmidon (CRE)
Ability Scores
Str: 19* Weight Allowance: 485 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 50%
Attack Adj.: +3 Damage Adj.: +7 Max. Press: 640 lbs Open Doors: 16(8)
Dex: 18 Missile Adjustment: +2 Pick Pockets: +10% Open Locks: +15%
Reaction Adjustment: +2 Armor Class: -4 Move Silently: +10% Climb Walls: +10%
Con: 16 System Shock: 95% Poison Save: +0
Hit Point Adjustment: +2 Resurrection Chance: 96%
Int: 11 Max. Spell Level: 5th Max. Spells Per Level: 7 Illusion Immunity: None
Bonus Proficiencies: 2 Chance to Learn New Spell: 45%
Wis: 15 Bonus Clerical Spells: 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 0%
Magic Defense Adjustment: +1 Spell Immunity: None
Cha: 10 Loyalty Base: +0 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 4
Initial Reaction Adjustment: +0
Saving Throws (adjusted)
Paralyzation: 2 Poison: 2 Death Magic: 2 Petrification: 2 Polymorph: 2
Rod: 2 Staff: 2 Wand: 2 Breath Weapon: 2 Spell: 2
Hit Points: 103
Base THAC0: 4
Melee THAC0: 1
Missile THAC0: -1
Natural armor class 10
Full armor, elven chain +3 -5
Magic Armor adj. -3
DEX Defensive adj. -4
Ring of Protection +1 -1
Weapon Proficiencies
Long bow (Specialist)
Polearm, halberd
Short bow
Spear (Specialist)
Sword, long
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Ancient History 10
Animal Handling 14
Blind Fighting 15
Bowyer/Fletcher 17
Cooking 11
Demon/Devil Lore 8
Direction Sense 16
Dragon Lore 8
Etiquette 10
Fire-Building 15
Heraldry 11
Riding, Land 18
Seamanship 19
Set Snares 17
Survival 11
Swimming 19
Tracking 15
Weather Knowledge 14
Native Languages
Common, Dwarf, Elf - high dialect, Goblin, Orc
Movement and Encumbrance
Encumbrance: Unencumbered Light Moderate Heavy Severe
Weight (lbs): 0-485 486-524 525-563 564-602 603-640
Movement: 12 8 6 4 1
THAC0: -1 -2 -4
AC: +1 +3
Currently carrying 58.44 pounds (None Encumbrance, 12 Movement)

THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage Range (-2) (-5) (-10)
Weapon Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size PB / S / M / L / EX
Bow, Solonor Thelandira's -8 2 3 P L 40 200 400 680
Long bow, sheaf arrow +2 -10 3 1d8+15 1d8+15 P S 40 200 400 680
Long bow, sheaf arrow -12 3 1d8+13 1d8+13 P S 40 200 400 680
Long bow, sheaf arrow of slaying -13 3 1d8+16 1d8+16 P S 40 200 400 680
Sword, long -1 2 5 1d8+7 1d12+7 S M
Gae Bolg -5 -6 5/2 2 1d6+13 1d8+13 P M 10 20 30
Spear -1 -2 5/2 6 1d6+9 1d8+9 P M 10 20 30
Dagger 0 -2 2 2 1d4+7 1d3+7 P S 10 20 30
Sword, Long of Quickness -3 2 3 1d8+9 1d12+9 P/S M
Racial Abilities
Bow bonus - +1 bonus to attack rolls with long or short bows.
Infravision - 60' infravision range.
Resistance 90% - 90 percent resistant to sleep and charm-related spells.
Secret doors - Because of their acute senses, elves are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden entranceways. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door allows an elf a one-in-six chance (a 1 on 1d6) to notice it. If actively searching, an elf's chances improve to a two-in-six chance (1 or 2 on 1d6) to find secret doors, and a three-in-six chance (1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) to notice a concealed door.
Stealth - When the elf is alone and is not wearing metal armor, he gains a bonus to surprise opponents. The opponent suffers a -4 penalty, a -2 if the elf has to open a door.
Sword bonus - +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a long or short sword.

Class Abilities
    Followers - Attracts followers after a stronghold is built and 9th level is reached.
    Weapon specialization - Allows specialization in one weapon.

Kit - Myrmidon (CRE)
The Myrmidon is the ultimate soldier. Soldiering is his life. He may be a high-ranking officer or a career sergeant; he may belong to one nation's armed forces or may be a mercenary. To the campaign and the adventuring party, he brings discipline and a useful understanding of military tactics; he's often rigid and contemptuous of rugged individualists or characters who don't like to take orders, so he can cause a lot of friction in an adventuring party, too.

When first created, the Myrmidon's player must decide whether his character is part of a standing army or a mercenary unit. If he's part of a standing army, he's employed as a soldier or officer in the army of a nation, large region, city guard, or even palace/castle guard. If he's part of a mercenary unit, he belongs to a group of freelance soldiers who hire themselves to just about anyone who can pay; or may be a personal bodyguard. The DM will have the deciding vote in what sort of force the Myrmidon belongs to; if, for instance, the DM doesn't want to have an all-military campaign, he'll probably insist that the Myrmidon be a mercenary, currently employed by a player-character or NPC important to the current story.

Special Benefits:
The Myrmidon has two advantages of note: First, he gets a free Weapon Specialization. He must choose it from the following group: Battle axe, Bow (composite long bow, composite short bow, or long bow), Crossbow (heavy crossbow or light crossbow), Lance (choice), Polearm (choice), Spear, Sword (choice).
Second, the Myrmidon is usually in the employ of some powerful patron. The DM will have to decide what immediate benefits this grants him; they vary with the type of employer he is working for.
For instance, if he's working for a wealthy nobleman, he won't have to spend any money for room and board and will enjoy an upper-class existence.
Or, if he's part of a standing army, he may be immune to prosecution by the civilian authorities (though he can certainly face court martial for misdeeds).

Special Hindrances:
The Myrmidon is instantly recognizable by his military demeanor, erect posture, disciplined mannerisms, etc. (There are plenty of soldiers and mercenaries who aren't Myrmidons who aren't so distinctive.) Because he is distinctive, the Myrmidon is easily remembered and described by witnesses to his adventures; this makes it easier for the enemy to identify him and follow his trail if he's trying to escape or travel through dangerous territory.
A second hindrance is his employer. Naturally, his employer makes many demands on the Myrmidon. If the Myrmidon is a bodyguard, he must accompany his employer just about everywhere, regardless of any personal goals or interests the Myrmidon has. If the Myrmidon is a common soldier, he's subject to the orders of his officers. If the Myrmidon is a military officer, he's subject to the orders of his superiors or the local ruler, and bears the added stress of having to look out for his men whenever they're engaged in military action.
Character History
Rensoverthierlos, a gold elf, was born into a military family on Faerun. For many of his early years, Renzo fought in many battles along side his father, uncles, cousins, and brothers. When he was about 40, his city was attacked by a large party of drow. Most of his family, including his father, mother, and siblings were slain. Some years after that, Renzo followed his uncle Hanzothierlos and retreated to Evermeet. Once there, they swore allegiance Queen Amlaruil and King Zaor and committed themselves to the protection of Evermeet.
He brought with him the few family possessions he could find from his home. This included his grandfather's memoirs. Arnorthierlos designed and oversaw the construction of Ascalhorn. Renzo may vaguely remember that the site for Ascalhorn was chosen because of what was buried beneath the site.
Fifty years ago, when Renzo was a mere palace guard, Queen Amlaruil sent him with a party of diplomats to meet with the drow in an effort to seek peace. While visiting the drow, one of the ambassadors was charmed. He was given a magical scarab to pass on to the Queen as a gift. As the queen opened its bone container, the scarab came to life and tried to crawl into the Queen's arm. With quick reflexes, Renzo fired an arrow to knock the scarab away from the Queen. Still under a spell, the traitor charged at the Queen. Renzo incapacitated him long enough for a cleric to bring the ambassador back to his senses. Renzo was promoted to Amlaruil's Chief Bodyguard, and he keeps the Scarab to this day as a trophy.

  • Animals
    • Horse, riding
      • Bit and bridle
        • Halter
      • Saddle bags, small
      • Saddle blanket
      • Saddle, riding
  • Items Carried
    • Backpack
      • Bag of Holding, 250 lbs.
        • Boots, riding
        • Candle
        • Chain, light (per ft) x10
        • Chalk
        • Flint and steel
        • Full armor, elven chain +1
        • Full armor, leather
        • Holy item
        • Iron pot
        • Lantern, hooded
        • Lock, good
        • Map or scroll case
        • Mirror, small metal
        • Nuts (per lb)
        • Oil of Fumbling
        • Oil, lamp (per flask)
        • Paper (per sheet) x4
        • Parchment (per sheet) x2
        • Potion of Invulnerability
        • Quiver
          • Long bow, sheaf arrow +2 x24
        • Quiver
          • Long bow, sheaf arrow +2 x24
        • Quiver
          • Long bow, sheaf arrow +2 x24
        • Quiver
          • Long bow, sheaf arrow x13
          • Long bow, sheaf arrow +2 x11
        • Quiver
          • Long bow, sheaf arrow x24
        • Raisins (per lb)
        • Sack, small
          • * Gold Pieces x60
          • * Silver Pieces x465
        • Salt (per lb)
        • Scabbard, hanger, baldric
          • Sword, long
        • Sealing/candle wax
        • Soap
        • Spice, uncommon (per lb)
        • Spyglass
        • Stone of Good Luck
        • Tent, small
        • Thistledown (sq. yd.) x6
        • Vial
        • Wineskin
        • Winter blanket
        • Writing ink (per vial)
      • Grappling hook
      • Rope, silk (50 ft)
    • Belt Pouch, Large, Divided
      • Gem of Seeing (w/straps)
      • Potion of Extra-healing
      • Potion of True Healing
      • Gefnul (moss-eat will heal 100hp instantly)
    • Gae Bolg
    • Quiver
      • Long bow, sheaf arrow +2 x14
      • Long bow, sheaf arrow of slaying x2
    • Spear x2
  • Items Readied
    • Bow, Solonor Thelandira's
  • Items Worn
    • Belt
      • Buckle, ornamental
      • Gipser
        • * Gold Pieces x50
        • * Silver Pieces x22
    • Belt pouch, large
    • Bracelet of Teleportation (Evermeet)
    • Bracers of Archery
    • Cannons
    • Doublet
    • Drawers
    • Full armor, elven chain +3
    • Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
    • Gloves of Weapon Proficiency
    • Good cloth cloak
    • Moccasins of Free Movement
      • Dagger
    • Pin
    • Ring of Fire Resistance
    • Ring of Protection +1
    • Scabbard, hanger, baldric
      • Sword, Long of Quickness
    • Signet ring/personal seal
    • Tunic

Generated by the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules 2.0 Expansion on 10/25/2008 03:44 PM