Allowing use of Core Rules 2.0/Expansion software for character creation and maintenance. Also for Item/Spell/etc creation.
Player’s Options books, Combat and Tactics, Spells and Magic and Skills and Powers, can be used at player discretion.
The following stats are to be used Appearance, Perception and Mental AC or MAC.
Appearance is rolled normally, Perception is rolled w/3d6, MAC is calculated by the GM.
Fate Points will be utilized. They will be given at 1 point/level gained. The points can be used for any dice roll (saving throw, movement, attack) that may have a mortal effect on the user.
1 point – reroll ANY dice roll once/point (attack rolls: fumbles only).
2 points – automatically make the following rolls – ANY saving throw, stat roll, maneuver/movement roll, or any the GM deems acceptable.
Two Weapon Attacks – Those who utilize a weapon in each hand will attack normally with each weapon. If you attack 2/1 with both weapons, you will get a total of 4 attacks that round. The effects of haste will double that to 4/1 for 8 attacks a round. Existing system modifiers still come into play however.
Spell Mastery (ala Rolemaster) can be used in conjunction with the system for Skills and Powers.
This ability will be available to all spell casters innately and will work in the same way proficiencies do. It is the ability to ‘reshape’ the spell in accordance to the caster’s wishes. For example – increasing the Fireball spell’s radius from 20’ to 30’, or increasing the duration of a Fly spell, reshaping a Wall of Force to make it a dome, have your Magic Missiles rainbow colored, etc. The applications are only limited to the caster’s imagination and the GM’s approval.
This is used with the Skills and powers in that in S&P, you are granted character points each level when you advance to improve your skills. These can be used for Spell Mastery. The GM will listen to the players request and decide to ether deny or ok it. If he ok’s it, he will assign to the following: a cost in character points, a Stat (usually Int) and a modifier, from a neg to pos number (-4, +3). Pay the cost, roll equal to or below the modified number and you achieve the effect.
You are able to increase the chance if you develop the skill further when CPs warrant it. Each spell effect must be developed separately.
Cantrips – Cantrips are allowed and will be as normal. 4 cantrips to each 1st level slot.
Psionics – Psionics are allowed. Skills and Powers will be used for game mechanics. Those who wish to play a psionisicist must create a minimum 5 page background.